Debunking Common Misconceptions About Clear Aligners

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 Myths or Facts

As the trend for clear aligners gains momentum in France, it's essential to distinguish fact from fiction. Despite their increasing popularity as an alternative to traditional braces, misconceptions about clear aligners persist. This blog aims to debunk these myths, providing clarity for those considering this modern orthodontic solution.

Misconception 1: Not as Effective as Traditional Braces

A prevalent myth is that clear aligners are less effective than traditional braces, particularly for complex orthodontic issues. This is a misconception. Advanced technology and precise engineering make ALIGNERCO's clear aligners highly effective for various dental alignments, from simple to moderately complex cases. They work by applying controlled force to move teeth gradually, similar to braces but in a less invasive manner.

Misconception 2: Only Suitable for Adults

The assumption that clear aligners are exclusively for adults is another myth needing clarification. ALIGNERCO’s clear aligners are also suitable for teenagers. They are designed to accommodate growing mouths and can address teen-specific dental concerns. This flexibility makes clear aligners a viable and appealing option for younger individuals seeking orthodontic treatment.

Misconception 3: Treatment Results are Temporary

Some people believe that the results from clear aligners are temporary. This is not true. The longevity of the results from clear aligner treatment is comparable to that of traditional braces. It largely depends on adherence to post-treatment care, especially wearing retainers as prescribed. This post-treatment phase is crucial in maintaining the alignment and ensuring long-lasting results.

 Dental Braces for Comparison
Tooth Model Next to a Model with Metal Wire Dental Braces for Comparison

Misconception 4: Clear Aligners are Noticeable

Contrary to the belief that clear aligners are noticeable, ALIGNERCO’s aligners are designed to be virtually invisible. Made from a clear, smooth plastic, they are far less noticeable than metal braces. This feature makes them a popular choice for individuals who are self-conscious about wearing braces, allowing them to undergo treatment discreetly.

Misconception 5: Clear Aligners are More Expensive

The notion that clear aligners are more expensive than traditional braces is outdated. ALIGNERCO has made clear aligners more accessible and affordable. They offer a range of pricing options and payment plans to fit different budgets, making clear aligners a cost-effective solution for many people in France.


Clear aligners from ALIGNERCO offer an effective, discreet, and accessible alternative to traditional braces. By dispelling these common misconceptions, we aim to provide a clearer understanding and encourage those considering orthodontic treatment to explore the benefits of clear aligners. ALIGNERCO France is dedicated to offering comprehensive information and personalized consultations for those interested in this innovative orthodontic solution.


1. How do clear aligners compare to braces in terms of comfort?

Clear aligners, like those from ALIGNERCO, are generally more comfortable than traditional braces. They are made from smooth plastic without sharp edges, reducing irritation to the gums and cheeks. With their wires and brackets, braces can sometimes cause discomfort, especially after adjustments.

2. Can clear aligners treat all types of orthodontic issues?

While clear aligners are highly effective for many orthodontic issues, including gaps, overcrowding, and certain bite problems, they may not be suitable for more complex orthodontic cases. It's best to consult with an ALIGNERCO specialist to determine if clear aligners are the right choice for your needs.

3. How visible are clear aligners during treatment?

One of the main advantages of clear aligners from ALIGNERCO is their near-invisibility. They are designed to be discreet, making them a popular choice for adults and teenagers who are concerned about the aesthetic impact of traditional braces.